The Bamboo and Lime workshop is a five day immersive learning experience that offers the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of bamboo construction and lime material, while engaging in a unique self-inquiry in the company of an international team of mentors. The workshop takes place in Auroville, a dynamic international community committed to sustainable living, radical experimentation and personal development.
The Bamboo and Lime workshop is perfect for Architect, Architect Students, Builders and anyone who wants to gain skills and hands-on experience working with bamboo and rammed earth technique, one of the most eco-friendly building materials, while also exploring various aspects of sustainable living. It is for anyone who is concerned about building a more environmentally sustainable world. (e.g. engineers, architects, technicians, supervisors, masons, students and laymen).
An essential aspect of building a more sustainable world is the quality of the consciousness we bring to it. Our outer environment – whether built or natural – reflects the state of our inner awareness.
The Bamboo and Lime workshop will take place over 5 days, covering full day intensive sessions offered daily from 9 AM to 5 PM. The sessions are offered according to two areas of focus, as follows:
Bamboo is an eco-friendly natural resource known for its rapid growth. As a core component of the workshop, participants will gain the basic knowledge, skills and practice needed for bamboo construction, as well as technologies that use bamboo in combination with other materials. Sessions include:
- Theory and practice of working with bamboo
- Treating bamboo against insects
- Bamboo carpentry: bending, cutting, joineries, split and weave bamboo
- Bamboo construction
After learning basic skills in bamboo technology, participants will help in making a bamboo structure and learn the know-how of building construction in the native tree.
Lime mortar is a traditional building material, and is now only normally used for restoration, and repair of old buildings. It was generally made with a mix ratio of about 1:3 (lime:sand), and sets by carbonation.
Lime has been used in building techniques for over 5,000 years. Archaeological evidence shows it to have been in existence for this time frame due to its resilience, durability, and water resistant qualities.
Lime is in its original state, calcium carbonate. It is anti-bacterial, resistant to ultra-violet light, and will allow moisture to release from surfaces from the inside out, rather than trapping moisture, as some other modern coatings can do. It allows the moisture in, but unlike other compounds, allows it out again. When worked into a plaster form, lime absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and then forms a strong yet permeable coat of limestone. Lime plasters are known for being very slow-drying, which allows them to gain strength over a few days, rather than setting very quickly. This can allow the lime plaster to be re-worked if necessary.
Outcome of the Workshop:
NON-TOXIC. Many wall finishes used in homes contain petroleum based ingredients. Only a few products can claim to be low-VOC and formaldehyde free. Clay and lime plasters can be made just from natural ingredients.
LOW POLLUTION. Making portland cement based stucco involves the releasing of carbon dioxide during slaking that accounts for 4% of the planet’s greenhouse gas emissions. Lime plaster on the other hand is able to naturally sequester back about 80% of the carbon dioxide emitted during slaking. Clay plaster does not necessarily involve any carbon dioxide emissions. In some locations clay plaster can even be made completely on-site with local soil.
NATURAL LOOK. Walls finished with clay plaster have a natural feel that cannot be achieved with other plasters. Lime walls similarly have a depth of colors in them that other plasters cannot achieve.
Things to bring for the workshop, (Optional)
- Loose and comfortable clothes for Site Work;
- Air Mask;
- Ear plugs;
- A Cap;
- Eye Protective Goggles;
- A Book and a Pen
- Tarch light
Programme Rate: Rs. 12000 * Includes:
- Lunch for 5 days ( vegetarian meals)
- Raw materials
- Refreshments twice a day
- Stationaries
- Certificate of attendance
- Terms: 50% deposit of workshop fee required on booking with balance payable prior to commencement of workshop.
- Cancellation: Up to 2 weeks before workshop commencement we retain 25% of total fee due. From 2 days to workshop commencement we retain the 50% total fee.
- Notes: All booking communication is completed in writing by email.
Auroville has a strict no alcohol or drugs policy. Anyone disregarding these rules will be requested to leave the community immediately and no refunds will apply.