
T.Pavani from Andhra Pradesh

I, T.Pavani from Andhra Pradesh, graduated architecture recently and came to Auroville to explore more about natural and sustainable materials, in which I choose Bamboo because I am interested and it is strong, flexible, durable and a different material to experiment construction.

Finally landed in Auroville Bamboo centre to volunteer for 3 months, which I expected is tough and difficult but later I liked it that I can’t leave the place. During my college days I am not experienced with tools and equipments but after these 3 months I think I can make my own house and furniture.

I have been working on Bamboo University, a project completely with Bamboo; Geodesic dome for JOI community in Auroville; Bamboo hut in Ariyur and furniture. It a nice place to learn and experience hands-on with bamboo.

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